Tencent Digital (Zhou Shuo) ThinkPad has been around for 24 years since its birth. In 24 years, the ThinkPad brand has been ups and downs, and was acquired by Lenovo in 2005. But what has remained constant for 24 years is its impression of stability and reliability to users. This is what happened in IBM, and the Legend era continues. Of course, this is not to remember memories of past feelings. This is because we have the privilege of witnessing yet another transformation attempt in the history of the ThinkPad brand — the Thinkpad gaming version of the “Black Master†S5. So today we will take a look at how ThinkPad turned the first game to try and whether it is still worthy of the ThinkPad brand. Var related_video_info = { vid: 'c0303kj5wpw', cid: '', url: 'http://v.qq.com/page/c/p/w/c0303kj5wpw.html', pic: 'http://vpic. 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That's right, this is my first feeling. It doesn't seem to have obvious appearance differences with the ThinkPad's intrinsic series, and there aren't many cool eSports elements in it. Is it to say that with a good video card, you will forcefully call the game? this? In fact, the official design of the product has a very careful consideration process. Before the official game was conducted in the first game, the official survey was conducted on the user's inquiries as to what the product should look like. The result is surprising Lenovo designers. Because 90% of the users of their survey stated that the appearance of the game in their mind does not need to be "cool", most people do not like the design of exaggerated claws. "Users are more interested in games that are suitable for use in commercial, home, and game scenarios." Based on this investigation, ThinkPad chose to adopt the idea of ​​putting some of the classic designs of existing 15-inch products directly on the black. Will S5 body. We see that the whole machine has a full black appearance, and you can obviously feel that the ThinkPad temperament is fully endowed with it. The top cover is covered with a large area of ​​aluminum alloy material, even if you paint through a black surface you can still feel its strong metal texture, it is very tough, but I guess users like skin feel may be more disappointed . In addition to the material used in aluminum alloy material, in the visual to give people a more sensible feeling, the top cover has little resistance to fingerprints and sweat stains, a little sweat on the hand will leave a clear mark on the top cover, which Counting is a bad place that comes with a tough visual style. In the top cover decoration, this product did not do more attempts, or the ThinkPad and Lenovo logo has been adopted, where the ThinkPad's "i" subtitles will shine above, this is a family tradition of a reserved design . S5 uses a 15.6-inch design, the overall size is also more consistent with the common 15.6-inch models, there is no ultra-narrow frame nowadays very popular design elements, should be considered a more regrettable place, after all, as the size of the fuselage can Smaller. The three-dimensional size of the fuselage is 378×258×25.8 and the weight is 2.29kg. The overall body weight and thickness are less portable compared to similar products. However, as a game, the most important aspect is of course the need for heat dissipation, leaving more room for space, which is obviously beneficial to your product's internal cooling space. As a ThinkPad model, one of the most memorable parts is the spindle design. Now that there are very few ThinkPad models that hold 180 degrees, the Black S5 is no exception. Of course, the most important factor is still different eras, ordinary consumer products have not been used to flip this feature 180 degrees. The Black S5 uses sunken alloy shafts that are currently common on ThinkPad products. The feature of this type of hinge is that it will sink a certain position when flipped open. The advantage lies in the position above the desktop. The use of alloy material looks very solid. In order to make the sinking position as close to the body as possible, the lower edge of the screen and the lower edge of the rear end of the body are designed with a chamfer so that the screen is completely submerged and can remain attached next to the body, unlike some sunken models. The screen will be separated from the body by a distance. The sense of damping in the shaft has always been one of ThinkPad's other brands. The S5 Black will also fully inherit this part of the features, the screen turns soft and delicate, the positioning accuracy is not muddy, and the screen can easily open and close with one hand. Details articles: Keyboard touch stick integrated 3D real sense camera The details of the product experience, I will say from several major aspects, the first is its screen, then the interface design, followed by the keyboard and touchpad, and other important details, and finally the cooling effect. Let's start by talking about the screen. ThinkPad Black S5 uses a 15.6-inch 1080p Full HD IPS screen with a viewing angle of 178 degrees. As a mainstream game, this configuration is more mainstream configuration, but not equipped with a higher 2K resolution is more regrettable, after all, the fuselage integration GTX960M alone significantly, in the operation of the League of Legends is not very like to eat graphics When playing games, experience 2K resolution is actually a good experience. ThinkPads can integrate more decent screens on future game models. The factory default color style is warmer, white is relatively soft, so that blue light damage to the eyes less. The brightness control of the screen is relatively low, that is, the maximum brightness and the minimum brightness of the screen are lower than the maximum brightness and the minimum brightness of the general notebook. May be due to ThinkPad consider the user's eye problems specially designed, regardless of how I personally prefer this style. In fact, the screen can not say much things, after all, 1080p full HD IPS screen, more common. However, the camera at the top of the screen is a relatively large one. It is from Intel's RealSense 3D RealSense technology, which is Windows Hello's support hardware. With this camera, it can perceive your facial depth information, thus performing fast face recognition that is completely different from traditional face recognition. This recognition time can be within 1 second at an appropriate distance. This completely gets rid of a problem, that is, people easily fool the camera into the system with photos, because the photo is no 3D spatial depth information. Of course, the height of the road is so high that if someone really uses 3D printing, 1:1 prints out your facial features and then exactly the same way to brush your face, in order to see what's wrong with your computer, I guess it's possible to open it too. . Interface design, because the fuselage is 15.6 inches, according to common sense space will not have too much sense of sensation. However, due to the fact that the airframe adopts a double-sided air outlet design, in fact, the interface can be placed in a few places, and the interface can only be trapped on the left and right side of the fuselage. On the left side of the fuselage is designed HDMI interface, USB3.0 interface (with shutdown charging function), RJ-45 network port, off charging is very useful, the network port is relatively a bit on the front. The right side of the fuselage design has two USB3.0 interfaces, an SD card slot, two USB3.0 interface spacing is a bit more compact, but now USB device plugs are relatively narrow, generally do not appear " Fighting situation. Here we talk about the main keyboard and touchpad, which is also one of the core reasons that ThinkPad remains different from other models, but also ThinkPad. ThinkPad flavor layout, red pointing stick + ThinkPad-style touchpad design allows you to identify its pedigree at a glance. A lot of diehard black powder will always have no brain spray ThinkPad and traditional models are not the same change, as if the current design is different from before, it is wrong. I personally also like the traditional ThinkPad cool industrial range, but look at the design still need to look at the development perspective, not inexplicable. Take 180-degree opening and closing as an example. If you say it is good or not, it is good, but what practical use does it have for ordinary users? Maybe not. The same reason the traditional keyboard design gives the impression of beauty, just I have a hand X62 a decade ago, to get started I suddenly felt that the keyboard is hard, ah, flexibility is too strong a bit worried, with my impression of "perfect and easy to use" seems a bit Different, a bit like the tight feel of a mechanical keyboard black shaft. And then look at today's black general S5, no blue keycap, no blue character, no traditional keycap design, but if you really try to try this S5 keyboard, you can understand ThinkPad on the keyboard. Keycap slightly curved keycap, fingertip sticking feeling, keycap key medium range, excellent elasticity. I can pat on my chest and responsibly say that the ThinkPad S5's keyboard feel is absolutely first-class in today's notebooks, except that MSI's G80 notebook (using a mechanical keyboard design) and alien special keycaps can have a comparison. , Other products are almost unsurpassed. ThinkPad S5 with keyboard backlighting, and in order to reflect the characteristics of the product positioning game, Black S5 provides a set of backlight replacement system, the user can switch between red backlight and white backlight. And while switching, the system will adjust the performance of the system with different keyboard backlights. Under the red backlight, the system will switch to a more efficient mode, and when the backlight is white, the system will be set in a mute Low power mode. This details design is still quite good. In addition to the keyboard design, there is a small detail I have to mention, is the keyboard arrow keys, carefully observe that you will find the arrow keys up and down the two keys slightly tilted to the middle, there is a slight angle, this detail will no doubt help The user is more confident when operating the arrow keys, giving the designer who designed this detail something to like. To say the keyboard, the only thing I dissatisfied with is that the location of the Fn key is on the outside, which is also a common problem. Many users are not used to the outside of the Fn key, which has been wiped many times in the past products. However, the problem is that this is a game book. If the Fn key is on the outside, it will affect the shortcut keys of Ctrl+XXX. When I tried LOL, I was accustomed to upgrading quickly with Ctrl+ corresponding spelling letters for each upgrade. However, on the S5, I completely suppressed the position of Ctrl. I can't imagine that if it is a world-class top player, it is fierce. How serious the consequences of pressing the Ctrl key once in the confrontation would be. It is recommended that the ThinkPad directly change the position of the Fn key in future game models, and restore the Ctrl and Alt keys to their proper positions. Touchpad, ThinkPad provides a custom style, pointing stick combination, the user can choose to use the classic ThinkPad way to operate the notebook, you can also use the integrated touchpad to control completely without problems. On the touch and elasticity, the pointing stick operation is still smooth, and you can easily find the ThinkPad family experience. The integrated touchpad has a smooth touch and accurate positioning. It can easily determine the double tap operation you made above, and the matte texture is also my favorite type. In addition, this touchpad has good support for multi-finger operation. For example, three fingers can control the system screen focus to switch back and forth between different software. The two fingers can control the slide of the page and cooperate with the Win10 system. These multi-fingered operations have more practical significance and are smoother and more natural. The special thermal design is definitely one of the biggest selling points of this ThinkPad Black S5. The spirit that the ThinkPad conveys to the user all the time is stable, durable. Now that the ThinkPad launches this game for the first time, the Lenovo ThinkPad is also very keen to put this stable and durable brand spirit into the S5 of the black-and-white player and convey it to the users. What are the pain points that affect the stability and durability of the game? I think it is the hardware stability in the middle of heat dissipation and games. Presumably the designers of Lenovo think so too. Therefore, the design team has spent a lot of effort on the cooling part of the S5. The first is that the shape of the fan and the thickness of the blade are optimized. With 62 pages, the thickness of each blade is only 0.3mm. More fan blades, thinner blade design, and the other fan ball bearings use hard disk-level FDB dynamic pressure fan bearings, all of which can allow the fan noise to be effectively reduced. It is said that the design of the single fan part obtained six national patent certifications. In addition there are pure copper trio components, pneumatic structure fan shell, 5 temperature sensors, SSD installed radiators and other auxiliary measures also make the ThinkPad S5 increase the stability of the probability of the game. For the actual effect of heat dissipation, I also experienced a deep feeling in the intense game. In the "Tomb Raider 9", which is the highest quality of all the special effects, the frame number of the game is about 35 frames, and the overall performance pressure is still relatively large. After running for 10 minutes, I tested the temperature distribution on the side C of the fuselage with a temperature measuring gun. The position with the highest temperature is near the bottom of the screen. This position is where the main heating components of the machine are located. The other is the location of the left and right air outlet edge, the temperature is slightly higher. Except that the stability of these three locations is slightly higher than 40 degrees, all other parts are below 37 degrees, especially the keyboard and the palm rest area are all within the range that you do not feel the temperature, which brings the game Good experience, and to a certain extent, also fulfilled the official goal of creating the most stable game book. Another body details have to say, is that the ThinkPad S5 uses a removable bottom cover design. A memory slot location, an M.2 SSD location, and a replaceable hard disk drive are reserved internally. For gamers and in-depth users who want to upgrade their computers, the degree of freedom is very high. This is also consistent with the positioning characteristics of a game book. Performance articles: cool play mainstream game masterpiece In terms of hardware configuration, this tested ThinkPad Black S5 is equipped with Intel's sixth-generation Core i7-6700HQ standard voltage processor, 128GB Samsung SSD+1TB HDD, and 8GB of memory. In the graphics part of the game performance, the product is equipped with GTX960M alone, and the memory capacity is 2GB. Basically, it is a more mainstream configuration of the 8,000-yuan game book on the market. Let's test the hardware of each part of the product. The first test is CINEBENCH R15, which is an industry-recognized universal test software that can accurately measure the processing performance of the CPU. Through testing, we have seen that the Lenovo Black S5 scored 671 in this test project with a multi-core score of 671. Scores and single-core scores were 147 points. The overall performance basically met the basic expectations of i7-6700HQ. For the average game player, the performance output of 671 points is enough, i7-6700HQ will not become a bottleneck in daily games. If the performance is short, I think the storage should be regarded as a place where the S5 is not too good. The black S5 uses a 128GB SSD+1TB HDD storage combination, but the SSD section has read and write performance tests and found that the maximum read rate is 474.57MB. /s, write rate is 128.77MB/s, and 4K write and read rates are only 14MB/s and 30MB/s, respectively, and the final score is only 282 points, compared to Surface Pro 4, MacBook we have tested in the past Waiting for a star product, the performance of this SSD is still weak. Then we have to test the performance of the graphics card, ThinkPad official has always hoped that the promotion of the product to the high-end e-sports to move closer, but I always insisted in the article described only as a game, and did not brag about ingredients. The main reason is that the black S5 is only equipped with the GTX960M alone. Although this card is not as good as the Xiaomi GT940M, it does not reach the top level like the GTX980M. So how does the graphics card that looks a bit "civilian" and "popular face" look like? Well, before we actually tested it, let's see if the ThinkPad S5 has the maximum performance of the graphics card. How is the game experience? First of all, we are still a trick management, Cleaver small test first to "League of Legends" to open appetizers, fluency is certainly no problem, look at how many frames can run without locking the frame. Because the fluency of the game itself can be guaranteed, so I directly put all the picture quality and special effects to the highest. At the beginning of the game, when it was born near the crystal, the number of frames could reach around 190 frames. When you go out of your hometown, the number of frames will actually decrease when you are on the line, but you can still be stable at about 150 frames. It's easy for such games. Then upgrade the difficulty, to try "Resident Evil 6", as a game using the DX9 old engine, the quality can be rendered into such appearance, indeed reflects the technical strength of the game manufacturers. Because the fluency problem is not big, it is still the old rule, and all the special effects are directly opened to the highest. In the Benchmark test of "Resident Evil 6", the fluency of the picture has always been very good. In large scenes where there are many zombies, there are also more than 20 frames of good performance, and the number of normal scene frames can be more than 45 frames. The final Benchmark test result is a score of 6242 points, S (Super) level. "Need for Speed ​​18" as a representative of racing class is also an indispensable part of the test, or the old rules, because I predict that this game will not cause any major impact on the graphics card and the difficulty, all still all Special effects open to the highest running test. Ultimately, under full HD quality, the game screen has been kept above the 30-frame lock frame value without dropping frames. The overall fluency is very good. "Tomb Raider 9", although the tenth generation masterpiece has just come out, but because of the limited time game bag is too large, I still chose the previously commonly used "Tomb Raider 9" as a test object, so that players can also be based on the same environment The next test value is compared horizontally. 1080p picture quality under the full high-detailed picture, a variety of atmosphere details are also relatively in place, in the game process, "Tomb Raider 9" the number of frames is basically stable at 35 frames or so, fluency is relatively good. The last test from the "GTA5" game is characterized by large scenes and high memory load. First, let's try a GTX960M can not play, and secondly try to use the 2GB memory ThinkPad S5 will not appear in the memory bottlenecks. According to actual tests, in the high-definition (under anti-aliasing quasi-full-height), the number of frames of the game is basically maintained at 35 frames, and the overall fluency is still relatively good. When opening some special effects, the memory capacity will indeed overflow. At this time, if there is 4GB video memory, there may be a better final experience. Finally, let's look at the battery life performance, starting from 5:00 pm on August 2nd, I unplugged the power and started timing. In the middle, I watched an online movie for half an hour and slept with my home for 1 hour. The rest of the time is basically used to write document content and listen to music. This office-based frequency of use, I have been used until 1 am, the battery power is still 31%, 7 hours of normal light office hours, battery life remains 31%, suggesting that at least also Can use 1 hour and 40 minutes. Therefore, in general, the S5's battery life has not slacked because of the product's positioning in the game. It is normal for office workers to write and write documents. The use of 8 hours or more does not seem to be a problem. In the case of games, this may be determined based on the degree of hardware consumption that the game plays. Summary: Rely on the details of touching office games To be honest, at first, I heard that ThinkPad would launch a game book. I refused. For nothing else, Xiaohe in the heart has always been a representative of business. Now entering the game market, the traditional black powder has some sadness in her heart, and even contradictory emotions are all normal again. But after getting the product, the kind and familiar design of the ThinkPad family immediately made you find a long-lasting touch. Familiar design, familiar Little Red Riding Hood, familiar keyboard, familiar with this, familiar with that. In daily use, you will completely forget that it is the identity of the game, normal use and the common ThinkPad series of products is not much difference, to give you that kind of quiet and stable and efficient office experience is still very good. In particular, the keyboard feel, in the current notebook, ThinkPad still maintains a good input experience. And when you enter the game state, the black S5 will be able to output good game performance as the common game titles in the market. The mainstream large-scale games can basically play in the high-definition picture quality. Especially in terms of heat dissipation performance, it will not be as severe as the average game book. Due to the careful comparison of details, the experience of the entire game is very good. As for the price, different configurations of different options, from 6499 to 12699 have, more mainstream configuration price is about 7999 yuan, compared to HP's Shadow Elf, Lenovo's predators, Acer's Shadow Knight 2nd generation and other product price advantages are not obvious However, there are many configuration options, and the user has more freedom of choice. In general, the ThinkPad S50 has basically completed the official idea at the beginning of product development, and realized the basic idea that the office is handy and the game performance and experience are good. If you usually need to work, but at the same time you need to play games in your leisure time, then the ThinkPad S5 low-key look good overall experience will be able to meet your needs. However, if you are a pure heavy game player and like to exaggerate the cool shape design, then you may not call so much for the ThinkPad S5. .wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; } 48V25Ah Lithium Ion Battery,48V25Ah Lifepo4 Battery,48V Lithium Battery For Electric Scooter,48V25Ah Lithium Battery Pack Jiangsu Zhitai New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.ztbatteries.com ",n+="
ThinkPad S5 game this evaluation good heat dissipation details touching
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