18W Bile Field Output Class A Power Amplifier

This is a Class A power amplifier with an output power of 18W. The final stage uses a current series negative feedback circuit (the bypass capacitors at both ends of the output stage self-biasing resistor are eliminated), and the electrical performance is superior. The circuit is shown in the figure.
The input stage is dual triode 6N3, and the final stage is 6P1 which is output together with IRF450. Only three electronic tubes are needed for two channels, 6N3 and 6P1 are both peanut tubes, and the market price of IRF450 is also very low.
The magnification of 6N3 is μ = 35, the transconductance gm = 5.9mA / V, common cathode amplification, 6P1 output is about 4W, IRF450 output is 14W, and the common output is 18W. IRF450 can be replaced by other field-effect power tubes, but its reverse withstand voltage must be greater than 500V and power consumption greater than 100W. In this example, when the IRF450 has an operating current of 113 mA, the gate-to-source voltage drop is 3.5 V, so R5 is set to 68 Ω (note that the data for different field tubes will be different and should be measured). If you change the value of R6, you can change the output power of the machine. But if the working current of IRF450 is too large, it is easy to cause self-excitation.
The output transformer needs to be self-made, its core cross-sectional area S = 10cm2, the number of primary and secondary turns is 14: 1, the impedance ratio is 1560Ω: 8Ω, the primary enameled wire ∮ = 0.29mm, around 2100 turns, the secondary wire ∮ = 1,000mm, Around 150 turns, you can achieve good results without having to wind in sections. Be careful not to cross the iron pieces. The iron clips or iron laths used to fix the iron core can no longer be used. They must be redone with aluminum plates. Put a layer of kraft paper as the gap layer on the three cylindrical surfaces of the core to ensure that the core does not have any magnetic saturation, so that the transformer distortion can be minimized. The inductance L core cross section S = 9cm2, enameled wire ∮ = 0.33mm, just wrap it up, IRF450 uses a larger heat sink to facilitate heat dissipation.
This machine has no large loop negative feedback, good transient response, and simple circuit. It should be noted that the operating current of 6P1 should be 50mA. What needs to be adjusted is the resistance of R6 to determine the final output power.

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