Isolated DC-DC converters have traditionally been implemented with discrete components - discrete driver ICs and discrete power MOSFETs. These devices are used in a variety of topologies. The main ones are "half bridge" and "full bridge". Many cloud infrastructure applications use half-bridge and full-bridge topologies such as wireless base stations (remote radio units), power modules, and any on-board isolated DC-DC converters. Other applications include industrial applications such as motor drives, fans and HVAC. The design engineers of these applications seek to reduce the overall solution size or increase output power. ON Semiconductor's FDMF8811 is the industry's first 100 V bridge power stage module optimized for full-bridge and half-bridge topologies. The FDMF8811 offers higher power density with high energy efficiency and high reliability. Compared to discrete solutions, the FDMF8811 reduces the PCB area by approximately one-third of a typical full-bridge solution. This allows manufacturers to design more compact, energy-efficient products. The number of bill of materials (BOM) devices is also significantly reduced, enabling efficient supply chain and assembly. If the PCB area is not an issue, the FDMF8811 can help increase the output power of the design over the existing PCB area. For example, this can be achieved by switching from an existing, otherwise low-power topology, such as an active clamp forward, flyback, or push-pull, to a half-bridge or full-bridge topology using the FDMF8811. Another example is that existing half-bridge solutions using discrete MOSFETs can be converted to a full-bridge topology within the same footprint. This conversion doubles the output power of the system. The FDMF8811 integrates a pair of 100V power MOSFETs, a 120 V driver IC and a bootstrap diode into a 6.0 mm x 7.5 mm PQFN package. By integrating all of the key power components, ON Semiconductor has been able to optimize the dynamic performance of the module's drivers and MOSFETs, system parasitic inductance and power MOSFET's on-resistance RDS(ON) to maintain the highest possible energy efficiency. This integration significantly reduces parasitic effects in the power supply loop. This greatly reduces voltage stress and electromagnetic interference (EMI) and improves system reliability. The isolated DC-DC converter with FDMF8811 is fully optimized to achieve the highest power density at the optimum energy efficiency level. With the highly integrated, high-performance FDMF8811, there is no reason to use discrete devices!
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Hydrogel TPU Protective Film,Ultra-Thin Protective Film,Soft Hydrogel Film,Hydrogel Film Screen Protector,Screen Protective Film,Mobile Phone Screen Guards Shenzhen Jianjiantong Technology Co., Ltd. ,