EDA technology is a computer software system developed on the basis of electronic CAD technology. It refers to the computer-based work platform, which combines the latest achievements of applied electronic technology, computer technology, information processing and intelligent technology to carry out automatic design of electronic products. With EDA tools, the entire process of electronic design, from circuit design and performance analysis to designing an IC layout or PCB layout, can be automated on a computer. EDA common software EDA tools are emerging one after another. EDA software that has entered China and has wide impact is: EWB, PSPICE, OrCAD, PCAD, Protel, ViewLogic, Mentor, Graphics, Synopsys, LSIlogic, Cadence, MicroSim, etc. According to the main functions or main applications, it can be divided into circuit design and simulation tools, PCB design software, IC design software, PLD design tools and other EDA software. Electronic circuit design and simulation tools Electronic circuit design and simulation tools include SPICE/PSPICE; EWB; Matlab; SystemView; MMICAD. The following is a brief introduction to the first three software. (1) SPICE: The circuit analysis and simulation software introduced by the University of California, USA, is now used more PSPICE6.2, which is the most powerful analog and digital circuit hybrid EDA software in its class. It can carry out various kinds of software. Various circuit simulations, excitation setup, temperature and noise analysis, analog control, waveform output, data output, and simultaneous simulation and digital simulation results in the same window. No matter which device or circuit is simulated, you can get accurate simulation results and build your own components and libraries. (2) EWB software: circuit simulation software introduced in the early 1990s. Compared to other EDA software, it is a smaller software (only 16M). But its hybrid simulation function for analog-to-digital circuits is very powerful, simulating the results of real circuits almost 100%, and it provides a multimeter, oscilloscope, signal generator, sweeper, logic analyzer, digital signal on the desktop. Generators, logic converters and instrumentation such as voltmeters and ammeters. Its interface is intuitive, easy to learn and use. Many of its features mimic the SPICE design, but the analysis is slightly less than PSPICE. (3) text MATLAB product family One of their features is that there are numerous application-specific toolboxes and simulation blocks, including a complete set of functions for analyzing and designing special applications such as image signal processing, control system design, and neural networks. It features data acquisition, report generation, and MATLAB programming to generate independent C/C++ code. PCB design software There are many types of PCB (Printed-Circuit Board) design software, such as Protel; OrCAD; Viewlogic; PowerPCB; Cadence PSD; ExpediTIon PCB of MentorGraphices; Zuken CadStart; Winboard/Windraft/Ivex-SPICE; PCB Studio; TANGO and so on. Protel is a complete omnidirectional circuit design system, including electrical schematic drawing, mixed circuit simulation of analog circuit and digital circuit, multilayer printed circuit board design (including automatic layout of printed circuit board), programmable logic device design, chart Generate, circuit table generation, support macro operations and other functions, and has Client / Server (client / server architecture, but also compatible with some other design software file formats, such as ORCAD, PSPICE, EXCEL. IC design software There are many IC design tools, including Cadence, Mentor Graphics and Synopsys by market share. (1) Design input tools: compreser like Cadence, viewdraw of viewlogic, hardware description language VHDL, Verilog HDL is the main design language, and many design input tools support HDL. In addition, like AcTIve-HDL and other design input methods, including principle and state machine input methods, most of the tools for designing FPGA/CPLD can be used as input means for IC design, such as development tools provided by Xilinx, Altera, etc., Modelsim FPGA. (2) Design simulation work: One of the biggest benefits of EDA tools is that it can verify that the design is correct. Almost every company's EDA products have simulation tools. Verilog—XL, NC—verilog for Verilog simulation, Leapfrog for VHDL simulation, and Analog ArTIst for analog circuit simulation. Viewlogic's simulators are: viewsim gate-level circuit simulator, speedwaveVHDL simulator, VCS- verilog simulator. Mentor Graphics has a VHDL and Verilog dual simulator from its subsidiary Model Tech: Model Sim. Cadence and Synopsys use VSS (VHDL emulator). The current trend is that major EDA companies are gradually using HDL simulators as a tool for circuit verification. (3) Comprehensive tools The synthesis tool can turn HDL into a gate-level netlist. Synopsys tools have a big advantage in this regard. Its Design Compile is a comprehensive industry standard, and there is another product called Behavior Compiler, which can provide more advanced synthesis. In addition, recently, a software called Ambit in the United States is said to be more effective than Synopsys software. It can integrate 500,000-gate circuits and is faster. At the beginning of this year, Ambit was acquired by Cadence, and Cadence gave up its original integrated software Synergy. As FPGA designs become larger and larger, EDA companies have developed comprehensive software for FPGA design. The more famous ones are: Synopsys FPGA Express, Cadence's Synplity, Mentor's Leonardo, which are the three FPGAs. The vast majority of the market. (4) Layout and wiring Cadence software is relatively strong in the layout and routing tools of IC design. It has many products for standard units and gate arrays that can be interconnected. The most famous is Cadence spectra, which was originally used for PCB layout. Later Cadence used it for IC wiring. Its main tools are: Cell3, Silicon Ensemble - Standard Cell Router; Gate Ensemble - Gate Array Router; Design Planner - Layout Tool. Other EDA software development companies also offer their own place and route tools. (5) Physical verification tool Physical verification tools include layout design tools, layout verification tools, layout extraction tools, and more. Cadence is also very strong in this respect, and its physical tools such as Dracula, Virtuso, and Vampire have many users. (6) Analog Circuit Simulator The simulator mentioned above is mainly for digital circuits. For simulation tools of analog circuits, SPICE is commonly used, which is the only choice. Just choose SPICE from different companies, like MiceoSim's PSPICE, Meta Soft's HSPICE and so on. HSPICE is now acquired by AvanTI. Among the many SPICEs, the best and the most accurate is HSPICE. As the IC design, it has the most models and the highest precision of simulation. Reflective Switches,Microwave Pin Diode,High Frequency Switch,High Frequency Switching Transistor Chengdu Zysen Technology Co., Ltd. , https://www.zysenmw.com