My little home article 2: The first station Panasonic Panasonic TH-50AX800F LCD TV use evaluation

Every family should have a TV set, regardless of size. Just for people who wander around, they don't even know where they will be tomorrow. Who wants to buy a TV is a burden? And now that there is a computer, anything can be found online. When I said I bought a TV for my little home, my colleagues were surprised. I have always felt that television is very important. I watched the fairies from a very young age, looked at Baba’s father, moved a small bench, sat in front of the TV, and watched cartoons while eating. My parents would marry me and I would not digest well. . In the summer vacation, I could not wait to move the TV to the bed. When I was outside, I also hoped to find a rental house with a TV. Watching the TV quickly passed the day. Instead, the computer was only used for chatting. So this time, when you have a small space that you can dominate, you also think about buying a TV. Even if there is not much room in the living room, there is no suitable table to hold, and you also want to satisfy your little extravagant expectations. The living conditions in which it is achieved will only make me happy for a long time.

However, in the rental house can not buy too good TV, one is for security reasons, the second is inevitably moving after the encounter will not be too distressed. Based on these two points, I consider buying a cheaper one. However, I also love watching movies. It is better to be able to watch movies on external televisions. I hope that the screens will be decent. Now television is the world of Dafa, and Aunt Zhang has been pushing Dafa. However, renting a house cannot afford to spend so much money on such a good TV and can only abandon Dafa. Other brands are also very cost-effective, but I have a special feeling for Panasonic TV. At the earliest time, there was a Panasonic color TV with a picture tube at home, and it was still used in the parents' bedroom. Then Panasonic Plasma was used in the present. I thought I could have a Panasonic TV, just like at home. Looked at the official website, and now Panasonic LCD TVs have 40-inch low-end models, the price is about 2500, or bite a bit to buy forget. However, I went to a certain home appliance forum and found that the Panasonic TV is now no longer Panasonic. It has been shrinking. Finally decided not to buy the new Panasonic, buy a second-hand bar, the price is also cost-effective, and then stroll around to see the Panasonic flagship model AX800 has been sold for 14 years, but the route is unknown, commonly known as foreign garbage. Think about it when you try it, because it is in the rental house. After you have a real home, you can add a brand new one. In addition, the price is also very cost-effective, I do not say the price here, after all, does not advocate the purchase of foreign rubbish, the risk is great, quality can not guarantee that there is no guarantee after the sale. I just posted a link to Taobao, and now the genuine price is still quite expensive.

I bought this is a 50-inch, domestic sales only 58-inch and 65-inch, the official website has introduced.

Well, let me talk about the keywords of this LCD TV: 4K resolution, 6-color optimization engine, active 3D, MotionSmooth BLS2000 speed drive, regional control light, built-in camera and HDMI2.0 and Display Port interface.

Pirates of the official website of the map, in fact, frankly say this machine is not Panasonic, Panasonic, who knows how to piece together things out, took a month, and found nothing. I still say Panasonic this specification, the following picture shell may be a bit dirty, please forgive me.

First come a picture of the whole, please ignore the messy background, my living room is actually a narrow aisle, this TV placed directly accounted for most of the width. This TV seller only has a screen without a pedestal, so I bought a TV with a common pedestal, which is ugly. Please also include Han Han. The original pedestal will be very beautiful. See the official 58-inch model. picture of.

Next look at the appearance details.

First of all, a close-up of a sign, the shell is a little dirty, the border is still quite narrow.

There is a model TH-50AX800F in the lower right corner, as if this model was sold to Japan and Europe.

The lower left corner is the power light, like this little indicator, more hidden, will not affect TV viewing.

It's so wide! It is not like the current model, is the main light. This model is too thick and it feels thick.

There is a camera on the top of the machine. This is the first time I saw it.

When a program needs to use the camera, it will pop up automatically. If it is not used, it will be automatically retracted. It's quite fun, though not very useful.

There is a brand name on the back. It is written in Japanese, but as you all know, it may just be a shell, but the entire back is iron and it is very strong.

On the back there is a power switch, sound and channel control buttons.

Super rich interface, there is a HDMI2.0, Gigabit Ethernet port, analog signal and DP port, previously never heard of the TV can also take the DP port, because DP native support 4K, so an external computer to watch movies It's so convenient that you don't need to think about what version of HDMI is anymore, like this one. After the color correction is also done through the notebook connection DP.

The side row is all interfaces, including 3 HDMI, 1 USB3.0, 2 USB2.0 and SD card readers, also comes with wireless network to receive, very rich, of course, so many interfaces may not be fully used On the matter, but see so much, but also very cool.

The boot interface is Panasonic's main feature of the Life+Screen smart interface. You can also customize the boot interface, such as directly into the TV home screen.

The system has a lot of built-in APPs, but it cannot delete and install other APPs on its own, so it is rarely used.

For those who like to watch movies, this feature is best used, can use the resources on the NAS, play video files online, support all major formats, watching movies is very convenient.

Panasonic also has a remote-controlled APP that can directly abandon the remote control.

The menu setting is very powerful, but also comes with Chinese, very convenient.

Also included is an electronic help document, which is very practical and powerful.

The system also comes with a self-test option that looks very seductive and transparent.

Then I used the school color meter to measure the color, the color is also no problem.

Brightness and grayscale are OK, after all, a 50-inch screen is not so easy to control. Next, let's put a few screen shots, it's not good to shoot, but please bear with me, I do not know how to shoot it, the actual display is still better.

The above pictures are static high resolution pictures.

This is a 4K video video downloaded from the Internet.

Then put a screen shot of a 720P movie clip.

Because I use a standard SD TV access signal, in fact, I think it's okay, but I don't know why it's not ideal. After watching the static picture, take a look at the dynamic screen shot, but the effect is still not available. I'm sorry, just watch the entertainment video and laugh.

This is a 4K video screen shot. There is also a clip of the SDTV signal that I recorded in the European Cup. However, Youku did not pass the audit. I can only upload it to the QQ video. If you want to see it, you can move to

Here's a look at the performance of the TV under standard definition signals. In fact, I think this TV in addition to the resolution and color, another of my favorite feature is the double speed drive, it seems that the principle is to insert the frame, I do not know how to operate specifically, but I feel like watching the video screen More delicate and clear, especially when playing movies. The above is the display effect of the 720P movie clip. It is not good to shoot. Please forgive me. After uploading it to the video site, I found that there was a phenomenon of Caton. I don't know if the file is too big.

Thank you for your patience. I can't tell you how the quality of this TV is. I just want to say that I finally have my own TV and I am still a 50-inch LCD TV. It's nice to go home from work and sit in front of the TV and watch TV. Sometimes it takes a few hours to sit and relax. This is my home. Although it is small, it is very satisfying.

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